Best motorcycle movies for a winter night

A glass bowl of popcorn and remote control in the background the TV works. Evening cozy watching a movie or TV series at home.
MOTORbeurs Utrecht
MOTORbeurs Utrecht
October 22, 2024
2 min

We're counting down to MOTORbeurs Utrecht. But we still have a lot of winter nights to go before that time comes. Fancy an evening of adrenaline, speed and legendary motorcycle stories. Here are 5 toppers worth watching.

  1. The World's Fastest Indian (2005) - Based on the true story of Burt Munro, who breaks the speed record in the 1960s on an Indian Motorcycle. Inspiring and full of passion!
  2. Easy Rider (1969) - A true classic! Two friends take a road trip across America on their choppers as they discover the freedom of life. The ultimate motorcycle travel movie, which broke all attendance records upon its release in '69.
  3. TT: Closer to the Edge (2011) - This documentary takes you into the world of the most dangerous motorcycle race in the world: the Isle of Man TT. Pure adrenaline and insane footage! Another tip: Road (2014). This documentary with voice-over by Liam Neeson tells the story of the well-known Dunlop family. A film full of passion and emotion.
  4. The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) - Follow the young life of Che Guevara as he travels through South America on a motorcycle. What was supposed to be a trip of a few weeks became a trip of more than a year and over 8,000 km. A film full of adventure, culture and self-discovery.
  5. The Bikeriders (2023) - A very recently released motorcycle movie. This drama film tells the story of an up-and-coming motorcycle club in Chicago. A club that starts small with a love of motorcycles and freedom grows into a gathering place for outsiders with an increasingly raucous edge.

Get the popcorn and a drink ready, choose a movie, and enjoy a great night of motorcycling on the couch!